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Product No.: 5629
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FC = DL - marking Information
Functional Pin Description:
Pin No. - Pin Name - Pin Function
1, 11 (Exposed Pad) - GND - Ground. The exposed pad must be soldered to a large PCB and connected to GND for maximum power dissipation.
2 - DRVOUT - IGBT Driver Output Pin.
3 - VDD - Power Input Pin.
4 - DRVIN - IGBT Driver Input Pin.
5 - CHARGE - Charge Enable Pin. The charge function is executed when CHARGE pin is
set from Low to High. The chip is in Shutdown mode when CHARGE pin is
set to Low.
6 - STAT - Charge Status Output. Open Drain output. When target output voltage is
reached, N-MOSFET turns on. This pin needs a pull up resistor.
7 - FB - Feedback Voltage Pin.
8 - CS - Input Current Setting Pin.
9 - NC - No Internal Connection.
10 - SW - N-MOSFET Switching Node.
IC RT9595 BenQ DC E1250
MOSFET Integrated Smart Photoflash Capacitor Charger
with IGBT Driver